Speed cameras embarked on private cars to flush out the speeding?

On our roads for three years now, the vehicles with embedded speed cameras are more and more present. And these vehicles are entrusted not only to private operators but also to sworn private drivers. Are private driver for embarked speed cameras going to become a branch in this career which knows a strong increase these last years?
The embedded radar, how does it work?
The system of embarked speed cameras is composed of cameras as well to the front as to the back of the vehicle. Thanks to its GPS which calculates at the same time the localization and all the parameters of the road, the speed camera can detect all the speeding and this, in a completely autonomous way.
The system can read but also to analyze and to recognize the various road signs which are on the road and to make the connection with all the data which the GPS brings back to him. Everything is considered, even the weather and the traffic conditions. It is therefore better to respect the speed limits.
Private drivers to drive the cars
If these vehicles are managed by private companies, the people driving them must be sworn in. If it’s not the case, the evidence would not be receivable. However, this is an interesting way to diversify the private driver profession and to give new perspectives. And all this for a good cause, reducing the rate of road accidents and ensuring the safety of all.